My body belongs to Me
About this guide
This guide offers advice for teachers on how to talk with children about their body, baundaries and sexual abuse. The guide is developed by Save the Children Norway and the Expert Advisory Team. It includes suggested topics to discuss with children after they have watched each episode, questions they may have and how to answer them.
To download the free Teacher´s Guide in Norwegian, please visit Save the Children’s Norway
To download the free Teacher´s Guide in English, please contact Marianne Müller,
School evaluation in Norway
The feedback Save the Children has received from children, parents and teachers on this teaching material has been overwhelmingly positive. The kids´ message is clear: they are happy to have learnt what sexual abuse is, and what they can do if they experience abuse.
Teachers especially value that the films are easy to understand, that they create a sense of safety for the children, and that the series serve as a valuable platform for good conversations in the classroom.